Thursday, November 4, 2021

Why is My FB Ad Account Disabled?

'"I cannot believe it. My facebook ad account is disabled and I have no idea why? I am so frustrated.

Yesterday, facebook sent me an email saying my facebook ad account has been disabled for violating facebook's terms of service or security guidelines, but they didn't specify which one.

When I tried to log in to my facebook account today, the site just said 'account disabled."

What do I do now?"

Unfortunately, this happens to thousands of advertisers every single month, and there are limited options available.

If you're confused, unsure, or just need to know what to do next...

We'll break down a few of your choices, and make some recommendations you can try to get your ad account recovered.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled 2021

Why do Facebook Ad accounts get disabled?

If your ad account has been disabled, you'll see a message saying your account is disabled when you log in.

The most common cause of an account getting disabled is because one (or more) of your ads violated one of Facebook's advertising policies.

You can review all the the facebook guidelines and advertising policies here:

The most common policies we see getting an ad account disabled revolve around:

  • Personal attributes. This can be direct or indirect, and focused on race, religion, medical condition, and others. How these attributes are phrased in the copy matter too, but that's a little beyond the scope of this article.
  • Misinformation. Facebook employs fact checkers, and whether we agree with them or not building facebook ads around controversial subjects is a high risk approach to advertising.
  • Multilevel marketing. Facebook advertisers in the business-to-business realm often run into this policy. The simple reason is Facebook applies a very conservative view on monetary claims that the "average" person cannot expect to receive. "Get rich quick" is another popular phrase that appears from times to time, even for well established businesses providing legitimate services.
  • Unacceptable Business Practices. This policy is designed to keep "scammers" from using facebook ads. It's often a surprise when a legitimate business receives this policy violation, but it can usually be solved by evaluating the ad copy.
  • Restricted content. There's always a list of product and services that just cannot be used in facebook advertising. CBD, Crypto, dating, online gambling are just a few examples.

Theses are just a few highlights regarding facebook's advertising policies. Having an experienced advertiser or facebook copywriter review your copy is the best way to ensure your ad account remains in a good standing.

When people visit websites where your ad is displayed, they'll see an option to click through directly from that site into whatever destination you choose (for example: Google Play or YouTube). You can also use keywords to target users who are searching on and other search engines as well.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled 2021

Why do Facebook Ad accounts get disabled?

If your ad account has been disabled, you'll see a message saying your account is disabled when you log in.

 When this happens, it will create a reaction in you.  But, there are ways to recover.

The most common cause of an account getting disabled is because one (or more) of your ads violated one of Facebook's advertising policies.

You can review all the the facebook guidelines and advertising policies here:

The most common policies we see getting an ad account disabled revolve around:

  • Personal attributes. This can be direct or indirect, and focused on race, religion, medical condition, and others. How these attributes are phrased in the copy matter too, but that's a little beyond the scope of this article.
  • Misinformation. Facebook employs fact checkers, and whether we agree with them or not building facebook ads around controversial subjects is a high risk approach to advertising.
  • Multilevel marketing. Facebook advertisers in the business-to-business realm often run into this policy. The simple reason is Facebook applies a very conservative view on monetary claims that the "average" person cannot expect to receive. "Get rich quick" is another popular phrase that appears from times to time, even for well established businesses providing legitimate services.
  • Unacceptable Business Practices. This policy is designed to keep "scammers" from using facebook ads. It's often a surprise when a legitimate business receives this policy violation, but it can usually be solved by evaluating the ad copy.
  • Restricted content. There's always a list of product and services that just cannot be used in facebook advertising. CBD, Crypto, dating, online gambling are just a few examples.

Theses are just a few highlights regarding facebook's advertising policies. Having an experienced advertiser or facebook copywriter review your copy is the best way to ensure your ad account remains in a good standing.

How Do I fix a Disabled Facebook Ad Account?

A disabled facebook ad account is the lesser of two evils.  The ad account is blocked, but your business manager remains active.

It's also a facebook problem many advertisers (and facebook users) face, and one that isn't always easy to fix.

If your facebook ad account is disabled for any reason, the very first thing you should do is login to Facebook Business Manager and check out what kind of message facebook sent you.

Often facebook will provide a link to an article that describes what caused the account disablement (and how to fix it). If facebook doesn't, then check out their advertising policies.

If you believe facebook made an error, you can always reach out to facebook directly and request they review your ad account.

If facebook doesn't help you fix the issue (or even if it does), we usually recommend reviewing a copywriter's work for facebook ads that generate great results.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled Appeal

The good news is if you have a disabled facebook ad account, you still have options.

The bad news is facebook doesn't accept appeals for ad account disabled unless the advertiser has a current facebook business manager account AND facebook can verify it's your company making the appeal.

If this applies to you, great! You're ready go get started with an appeal process here.

Go to your ads manager. When an ad account is disabled, just follow the prompts.

A disabled account will take you to the quality page, and then there's an option to appeal. If that option isn't available, there will be specific directions about account verification or personal identification depending on your business manager.


The facebook appeals process can take anywhere from a few hours to weeks.

Most of the time facebook provides a quick resolution, but facebook appeals are reserved for advertisers who have a legitimate complaint.

The facebook advertising appeals process can be frustrating and slow going. It's not clear, there's not a "facebook representative" you can talk to, and an ad account review does not give you much visibility.

You can always contact facebook support, which is a newer function that was been created. But the results from those conversations can be as frustrating as complete silence.

Support is not empowered to make decisions, but to educate you about the process, and potentially to "escalate" your review to a real person.

If facebook doesn't restore your facebook ad account, then you'll have to use another ad account to run ads.

The good news is a disabled ad account does not mean you cannot advertise on the platform.

The bad news is the facebook page that was associated with that account will no longer be able to run ads, and you will need to create a new facebook page, and setup a new pixel.

We've seen many advertisers get ad accounts recovered in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, there are others where the ad account is not restored, or only restored after a very long time.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled For Policy Violation

Understanding facebook advertising policies can be difficult, without at least a basic grasp of technical language.

Many times an ad account ban occurs through the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that Facebook uses. In short, it's a bot.

All the facebook guidelines provide an overview of the process, but the language is very vague and difficult to interpret.

Facebook marketing is a massive industry, and millions of advertisers use the platform daily. Understanding that Facebook's goal is to have a positive experience on their platform gives at least a little context on why an advertising account can be shut down.

One key is to be conservative when you're running ads on a new ad account. Each ad account does get a quality score, which isn't public.

So disapproved ads, negative user feedback, your ad content, restricted keywords all impact your fan page reputation inside the Facebook algorithm.


Facebook Ad Account Disabled for Policy Violation Circumventing Systems Policy

The circumventing systems policy comes up in a couple of different ways, and understanding facebook advertising policies can be difficult.

There are violations that facebook sees as intentional, and there's violations that are system related.

If you have a disabled ad account, that impacts the facebook page as well as the pixel. If you try and "work around" the disabled ad accounts, and you get caught... can have lose the ability to advertise on the platform altogether.

The second scenario occurs when you have a url in your facebook ad for a landing page, and the final landing page is a different URL.

Keep the URL's within your ad campaigns accurate you

Finally, using a VPN or proxy to make changes on an account can also get your facebook advertising account disabled for violating the circumventing systems policy and would be considered intentional.

These rules are very strict, and facebook does not provide much guidance if you lose access.

The best option is to contact support, and talk to a facebook representative directly.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled Final Decision

It's difficult to ascertain what is "too aggressive" when it comes to facebook advertising policies.

Getting disapproved ads, having too many ads, before and after images, dating ads, and policy violations all add up.

Note: For Facebook pages that are advertising less than $100k/mont, you may have update 250 ads running at one time. Source:

All these factors have an impact on when Facebook disables an ad account. As long as your are able to appeal, you should continue to do so.

Many times you'll receive a status with the "final decision" language.

This status means facebook is not going to change their mind, and you will need to create a new facebook page.

Once you've created the facebook page, then it's time to setup a pixel again. Plus, you'll need to setup a new ad account.

Be conservative with your new ad campaigns, especially in the beginning when you're rebuilding your reputation, and you do not want to risk your business account.

If all this is confusing, and you want to talk with a Facebook expert, please contact us and we can discuss the specific issue in your account.

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